Manuscript Guidelines

Instruction’s to author

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  1. Title of paper,
  2. Name of author: [contain, an (*) asterisk placed after the name of the corresponding author, address (es)
  3. Name of the institution(s): complete mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address for the corresponding author,
  4. Abstract: not exceed more than 250 words
  5. Keywords: (It should have 5-7 keywords related to the work),
  6. Introduction:
  7. Experimental:
  8. Results and Discussion:
  9. Conclusion:
  10. Acknowledgement: Tables and Figures (For the units of measurement, the use of the International System of Units (SI) is recommended),
  11. References: this is most important that all the references must be in the following order:
  12. Author's initials surname,Title of article, Journal, Year, Volume (Issue), Page No.
  1. Saima Atif, Bushra Ayyaz and Numrah Nisar, Adsorption of Cadmium from Aqueous Solution on Low Cost Adsorbent, International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, 2016; Sec. A; 5, 2, 101-109.
  2. J.Thilagan,S.Gopalakrishnan,T.Kannadasan, A study on adsorption of Copper (II) ions in aqueous solution by Chitosan reinforced by Banana stem fibre , International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry,2013,2(2),226-240.
  3. Dr. Kishor Kumar Singh, Low Cost Biosorbent Sugarcane Bagasse for the Removal of Cu (II) from Waste Water, International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, 2017; Sec. A; .6, 3, 71-80.,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC /GC/6/3/ 7180
  4. Gupta Vikal, Kulshreshtha Ruchi and Magan Lal, Effects of sodium dodecyl sulphate on biooxidation of copper mine tailings by acidithiobacillus ferroixidans, Res. J. Chem. Environ, 2010, 14(3), 51.

Author(s) of book (surname initials). Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication


  1. K.Wüthrich, NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids (WileyInterscience, New York), 1986.
  2. Atta-ur-Rahman; Choudhary, M.I., Thomsen, W.J. Bioassay Tech-niques for Drug Development, Harwood Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2001, 22.
  3. R.B.Morin, M. Gorman, Chemistry and Biology of -Lactam Antibiotics; Academic Press: New York, 1982.

Tables: All tables must be numbered consecutively (using Arabic numerals) and be cited in the text. Titles of the tables should be short but descriptive. Each table should be on a separate sheet, together with a legend and/or footnotes identified by superscripts a, b, c, etc. In tables, the units are usually in brackets following the quantity and the font should be in Times New Roman with font size 12.

Figures: photographs, drawing, diagrams and charts are to be numbered in a serial order in Arabic numerals in which they are cited in the text and abbreviated as Figure X. The captions for figures should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.

Formula and equations: structural and chemical formula, process flow diagrams and complicated mathematical expressions should be very clearly presented. All subscripts, Greek letters and unusual characters must be identified. Structural and chemical formulae as well as process flow diagrams should be prepared in the same way as graphs.

  1. REVIEW ARTICLES- Review articles should be about 15 pages and contain up-to-date information providing comprehensive coverage of relevant literature. Review articles should preferably be written by scientists who have in-depth knowledge of the topic. All format requirements are similar to those applicable to Research papers. Reviews Articles need not be divided into sections such as Materials and methods, and Results and discussion, but should definitely have an abstract and introduction.
  1. RAPID COMMUNICATION- Rapid communication should be about 3 journal pages and include important scientific and comprehensive work. All format requirements are similar to those applicable to Research Article, but should have definitely an abstract and introduction.

A sample paper is given for guidance to authors - Download (click here)

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