welcome to JCBPS

Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS) is an independent, online, open access peer-reviewed non-profitable journal that publishes reviews, research articles and letters. The main object of this journal is to publish the research papers well in time preferably within one month of receiving the finally reviewed manuscripts. Manuscripts submitted to the chief editor are first reviewed by the journal's editorial board and, if necessary, by outside experts. All articles are subject to thorough, critical, objective and fair reviewed by the editors. Authors must adhere to the format described in 'Instruction to Authors' section. The Editorial board reserves the right to reject any manuscript. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS) is a international scholarly open access, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary quarterly online journal. It is a fully refereed journal focusing on all the branches of Chemistry including Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Medicinal, Agriculture, Pesticides and Soil. In Biological sciences it covers Microbiology, Biotechnology, Parasitology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Toxicology, Phytochemistry, Chemical Physics, Biostatistics. In physical sciences it covers Physics, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering as well.

Section A : Chemical Sciences

Chemical Sciences This section covers all the branches of Chemistry including Biochemistry, Agricultural & Soil Chemistry,Analytical Chemistry,Polymer Chemistry, Biochemistry etc.

Section B : Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences This section is devoted to the promotion of all fields of Pharmaceutical Sciences like Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy...

Section C : Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences This section deals with all the branches of physical sciences like Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering...

Section D : Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science This section covers all the topics of Current Science, Environmental Science, including topics in scientific field, which gives the information and suggestions for technology...

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Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences